Orders for customized hockey pucks take 7 days to process after the logo is approved. The transit time can be between 1 and 6 days depending on your location and the shipping service you select. Once we ship your order, we email you the tracking number. The email indicates the estimated arrival date. For U.S. customers, we ship via UPS. For Canadian customers, we ship via UPS or Purolator. For large orders of personalized pucks (over 2000 pucks), we may use different service providers.
What is the minimum order?
The minimum order for logo is 10 pucks.
The minimum order for text imprint is 10 pucks.
The minimum order for photo/text imprint is 1 puck.
Place the order online. You will be asked to upload your logo, which will be copied from your computer/tablet/smartphone to our Web server. Once we receive it, we will prepare a proof that will be emailed to you for approval. Please note that we do not prepare proofs for photos. We print your photo as provided.
For logo pucks, the preferred formats are EPS, AI, PDF or CDR. For photo imprints, the preferred formats are gif, jpg, png, tiff and bmp with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.
The printable surface area of the puck is 2.5" in diameter. Logos on pucks are printed within a circular constraint therefore a logo should be optimized to comfortably fill the printable area.
Example: A wide logo with text is best re-arranged by stacking the logo on top of the text.
Yes, all orders should be placed online and credit card information is provided at the time of ordering.
Our imprint quality is as good as it gets. We clean the pucks prior to printing and use special additives in the ink to enhance adhesion to the puck. However, ice is a very abrasive surface (as are skate blades and sticks) and logo wear is inevitable for pucks used for game play and will vary significantly depending on ice conditions and many other factors.
We use a state-of-the-art UV digital printer when printing personalized pucks.
Yes, we can print on both sides of a puck. Our online ordering process gives you the option to upload one or two logos.
With our UV digital printer, we can print full colour.
Shipping problems are rare due to the durability of the pucks and the packaging. Unfortunately, once the order has been shipped, any problems that arise will have to be resolved with UPS or Purolator using the tracking number.
You will receive a confirmation message from us via email. This should take a few minutes but sometimes it takes longer. Make sure you have provided your correct email address otherwise you will not receive your order confirmation.
All copy and designs you create will be accepted as being submitted in full compliance with all applicable laws for trademarks, service marks, copyrights, rights of privacy, patent contractual limitations or similar protection.
We begin preparing the order as soon as we receive your approval. It is important to ensure the precision of the order you submit since it cannot be cancelled.
All transactions are processed over a secure server connection when you use the checkout option. You will see the 'https' in the URL on the checkout page. This means that your information is not accessible to anyone else. You can also check the validity of our SSL certificate in the bottom right-hand section of our Web page.
End of frequently asked questions.